Building Gluster with Address Sanitizer

We occasionally find leaks in Gluster via bugs filed by users and customers. We definitely have benefits from checking for memory leaks and address corruption ourselves. The usual way has been to run it under valgrind. With ASAN, the difference is we can compile the binary with ASAN and then anyone can run their tests on top of this binary and it should crash in case it comes across a memory leak or memory corruption. We’ve fixed at least one bug with the traceback from ASAN.

Here’s how you run Gluster under ASAN.

./ ./configure --enable-gnfs --enable-debug --silent make install CFLAGS="-g -O0 -fsanitize-recover=address -fsanitize=address" -j 4 

You need to make sure you have libasan installed or else this might error out. Once this is done, compile and install like you would normally. Now run tests and see how it works. There are problems with this approach though. If there’s a leak in cli, it’s going to complain about it all the time. The noise doesn’t imply that fixing that is important. The Gluster CLI is going away soon. Additionally, the CLI isn’t a long running daemon. It’s started, does it’s job, and dies immediately.

The tricky part though is catches memory you’ve forgotten to free. It does not catch memory that you’ve allocated unnecessarily. In the near future, I want to create downloadable RPMs which you can download and run tests against.

The configuration I’ve setup lets you continue to run the program after the first memory corruption by setting the environment variable ASAN_OPTIONS=halt_on_error=0. If you find an existing leak you are not interested in fixing, you can suppress it. More information on the wiki page






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