Category: webdev

  • Cookies and hugs to Penny!

    Yesterday, I talked about summit and how we need help with its development. I’m happy today that Penelope Stowe has joined us in breaking fixing summit. Congrats for her first merge proposal. Here are your cookies 🙂

  • Blog moved and summit bitesize

    I’ve moved my blog from to I originally planned to run wordpress here too and export my posts from the old blog here. Unfortunately, that ran into problems. My VPS wouldn’t run nginx + php-cgi + mysql at the same time. Every time I tried, I would run out of memory. My first…

  • Working with Google Maps

    There used to be a time when there was this huge maps craze, it has since passed, but Google Maps remains the most recognized map applications seen on the Internet. Recently, I worked on Google Maps API for a client. This post is a retrospect look at how it went. I’ve not worked with other…

  • Automatic database backup

    I use git extensively for version control. Its nice to use git since it backs up the code, but the database still remains unversioned. Well, thankfully, XAMPP has a script that does a database dump. So, I wrote a script to do the dump and then commit it to git. Step 1 Create a directory…

  • Baking on Ubuntu while using xampp

    So, I’m a web developer working on Ubuntu. Since I don’t want to get into complications like pinning to have earlier versions of PHP (useful when developing on Drupal), I use XAMPP. Its a bit of a work to get php ready to bake while using XAMPP on Ubuntu. These instructions are probably generic to…