• Building Gluster with Address Sanitizer

    We occasionally find leaks in Gluster via bugs filed by users and customers. We definitely have benefits from checking for memory leaks and address…

  • 2017 Year in Review

    Another year has flown away and we’ve moved cities again. I don’t think Delhi has ever felt as much at home as it does right now. I somehow missed living in Delhi quite a lot. It has a lot of problems, but it still remains my favorite…

  • Getting Better

    Across Nov, Dec, and Jan, I spent a significant amount of time in a hospital for a family emergency. I was working, but I was also reading while waiting…

  • Static Analysis for Gluster

    Static analysis programs are quite useful, but also prone to false positives. It’s really hard to…

  • Gluster Summit 2017

    Right after Open Source Europe, we had Gluster Summit. It was a 2-day event with talks and BoFs. I had two key things to do at the Gluster Summit…

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