Cambridge and London – Winter 2014

I’m sitting in the lobby of Clink 261, a hostel near King’s Cross, hearing so many languages that my brain hurts trying to identify them (Nope, I can’t). To complicate matters, the reduced sunshine is confusing. The week has consisted of meetings, plotting (to take over the world, of course), drinks, ranting, and generally fun things. It’s been a tiring but spectacular week with my team at the OKF. As a remote employee, I enjoy meeting my colleagues in person and spending time together.

As always, my trips are more about people than places. In Cambridge, once I was properly awake, I met a colleague for lunch at Cambridge Blue, where we had deer pie for lunch. My Twitter followers seemed a bit mad that I ate Bambi. From there, we went to his friends’ and had tea with them, while enjoying watching their kids play and chatting about books, trains, and comics. Later in the evening, I caught up with an old roommate and his family.

I walked everywhere in Cambridge except when I had luggage or if I was, cough, otherwise unable to walk. Our hotel was a 40-minute walk away from the venue of our meetings. I took a taxi on a few mornings, but when I could, I walked. The cold manages to wake me up, and in a few minutes, I’m nice and warm (weather hacking?!). There are other advantages too, like a lovely pastry shop on way 😉

I spent 3 days with my team plotting to take over the world with CKAN and then 2 days with the rest of the team. An extremely produtive time during the day and a good time chatting with everyone afterward, especially people from other teams. We had a “Cheese Off”, which France won, closely followed by Brazil. The close of the summit involved a puppy and cake!

I’m in London now, taking a day off for myself. I might head out and grab some lunch or take a walk. No plans for today and I’m leaving it that way.



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