As a distraction free writing environment, vim has worked great for me in the past. And using sites like leads to me being more distracted. It’s far easier for me to full-screen vim and use that as a distraction-free environment. has one thing that I like – A live word count in the footer of the page, so I know when to stop. I did some googling around and here’s what I found on stackoverflow for doing something similar in vim.
Add the following to your .vimrc
" Live Word Count function! WordCount() let s:old_status = v:statusmsg let position = getpos(".") exe ":silent normal g<c-g>" let stat = v:statusmsg let s:word_count = 0 if stat != '--No lines in buffer--' let s:word_count = str2nr(split(v:statusmsg)[11]) let v:statusmsg = s:old_status end call setpos('.', position) return s:word_count endfunction
And then, if you’re using ftplugin, add this to .vim/ftplugin/markdown.vim
setlocal statusline=wc:{13371f13f0bf161e7595c2ac5df92e005bed3de1d132ef646d0a44f3a1a9ee62}{WordCount()}
This will give you a small counter at the bottom with the word count, like so.

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