I’ve been writing at least 750 words every day for the last 10 days. It’s been a very interesting experience. What I write varies, sometimes I write first drafts for blog posts, sometimes I write plans for work, sometimes I write first drafts for long emails, and every day, I write a small note to myself on how I’m feeling. The last few weeks have been busy and turbulent due to a family emergency. My marathon training plan has been blown away as well. The writing habit has helped me take the stress off. When I’m writing down first drafts for plans, it helps me nail down parts of the plan that I hadn’t thought of. It forces me to build a narrative around what I’m trying to do.

Since I started writing every day, I finished writing up a talk I’ve proposed for Pycon Pune. Even if my talk doesn’t get selected, I know I can write a good blog post about it and propose it for other conferences! Oh, and I’m at least publishing one blog post per week 🙂
Image credi: iKobe! Winsor & Newton Ink (license)
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