Category: gluster

  • Catching up with Infrastructure Debt

    If you run an infrastructure, there’s a good chance you have some debt tucked in your system somewhere. There’s also a good chance that you’re not getting enough time to fix those debts. There will most likely be a good reason why..

  • Clang Analyze for Gluster

    Deepshika recently worked on getting a clang analyze job for Gluster setup with Jenkins. This job worked on both our laptops, but not on our build machines that run CentOS. It appears that the problem was clang on CentOS…

  • Gerrit OS Upgrade

    When I started working on Gluster, Gerrit was a large piece of technical debt. We were running quite an old version on CentOS 5. Both of these items needed fixing. The Gerrit upgrade happened in June causing me a good amount of stress…

  • Test Automation on CentOS CI with Ansible

    I work on Gluster, which is a distributed file system. Testing a distributed file system needs a distributed setup. We run regressions by faking…

  • Migrating Gerrit from H2 to PostgreSQL

    The last 3 months have been busy and challenging. I’ve moved cities and changed jobs. I now work for Red Hat on the Gluster project as…