Category: launchpad

  • Launchpad bug titles are everywhere!

    A while back, I wrote about smart autolinkifying in bugs. Last week, at the urging of Brian Murray, I built on top of the work that I’d already done. This time, it grabs all the bug links and sends to the linkchecker and, in addition to the set of invalid bugs, it also returns a…

  • Some new improvements to Launchpad

    I’ve been hacking on Launchpad for a while now and I’d like to announce some of the new things I’ve added. The first 2 are in production now. The last two, however, will need a few more days to get into production. Smart autolinkifying in bugs As evident from the screenshot, it greys out the…

  • Another Launchpad Bug Fixed!

    On Tuesday, I managed to land a fix for another Launchpad bug. This one probably was my first non-trivial bug fix and also older than any other bug I’ve attempted (4-digit bug!) Earlier, during page load, Launchpad would take each bug, search if its, valid, get the title, and show tooltips. This feature was removed…

  • Fixing Launchpad Bugs

    At UDS, I met the Launchpad folks, who encouraged contributions to Launchpad itself in a couple of sessions. I’ve tried twice before and always get stuck with the getting a virtual machine set up stage. This time, I decided that I’m going to skip that step and go ahead and install it on my lucid…