Category: mozilla

  • A Funny Bug

    Yesterday, we had a 6-hour long tree-closure. From 11:48 am PST to 16:43 pm PST. Philor closed the trees when h…

  • Weird IE8 error. Nginx to the rescue!

    As a server side developer, I don’t run into IE-specific errors very often. Last month, I ran into a very specific error, which is spectacular by itself. IE8 does not like downloads with cache control headers. The client has plenty of IE8 users and preferred we serve over HTTP for IE8 so that the site…

  • Arrrgh! Tracebacks and Exceptions

    My colleague asked me to take a look at a logging issue on a server last week. He noticed that the error logs had way too little information about exceptions. In this particular instance, we had switched to Nginx + gunicorn instead of our…

  • The story of hgstats

    Lately, we’ve had problems with hg at Mozilla. The Developer Services Team added a bunch of instrumentation to the hg webheads to help us track what is going wrong and when, to give us somewhat an early indicator…

  • OKFestival Fringe Events

    The writeup of the OKFestival is very incomplete, because I haven’t mentioned the fringe events! I attended two fringe events and they both were very good.