Category: ubuntu

  • Hacking on Ubuntu Single Sign-On

    As most of you, who’ve used community projects like Loco Team Portal and Summit know, we use as our open id provider. I believe the future is to use It is more consitent in terms of design, and is the exact same code as but with different configuration and theme. We have…

  • Landing with tarmac

    I heard about Tarmac a few weeks ago when Shane mentioned it in one of his intern diary blog posts. At that point I didn’t actually look into it much since I thought it was something that’s internal to Canonical. Last week, Michael Hall told me about Tarmac again and how they use it to…

  • Cleaning up the Planet

    For a while I’ve noticed that Planet Ubuntu configurations are in a sort of mess. Officially, individuals who are Ubuntu members and some other organizations (more details) can post to the planet. But when someone’s membership expires, cleaning the config is a painful and tedious task. Additionally, there is also no way, other than manual,…

  • Cookies and hugs to Penny!

    Yesterday, I talked about summit and how we need help with its development. I’m happy today that Penelope Stowe has joined us in breaking fixing summit. Congrats for her first merge proposal. Here are your cookies 🙂

  • Blog moved and summit bitesize

    I’ve moved my blog from to I originally planned to run wordpress here too and export my posts from the old blog here. Unfortunately, that ran into problems. My VPS wouldn’t run nginx + php-cgi + mysql at the same time. Every time I tried, I would run out of memory. My first…