My Personal Productivity System
With everyone having a phone, there’s a whole bunch of online todo lists and tools that help you keep track of your life and improve your productivity. I’ve tried a whole bunch of them. I’ve actually cycled through the entire lot. I’ve used almost all the tools, I’ve done a bunch of paper methods and…
Filling the Gaps in My Knowledge
I started working as a sysadmin just as cloud really took off. I wasn’t really exposed to a lot of the networking minutiae. That was over 9 years ago. I never had to deal with something complicated in the world of networking. I stuck in my Linux lane and never wandered over to the networking…
Writing Golang as a Python Dev
I’ve gone through the Golang tutorial once before but in the last month or so, I fully dove into it. I started by writing a simple hello world web application. I found the implementation of the webserver so neat that most of the uses I’d have for a framework is redundant. The in-built libraries already…
Testing Ansible With Molecule
My colleague was recently assigned a task to create tests for an ansible role that she works on. She pinged me for help and we got started in figuring out what to do.
Dublin Adventures: Dublin Pen Corner
I’ve been wanting to buy myself a new Lamy pen for quite some time. I was looking at either getting the black Safari, AL-star, or Vista. I’d looked up pen stores in Dublin…
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