• Getting rpcbind to work without IPv6

    This advice is going to be useful to a small subset of folks. But it’s useful nonetheless. With us being nearly exhausted of IPv4 addresses, we should probably not be disabling IPv6, but there are some rare situations where some tests depend on IPV4 only. The Glusterfs regression test framework makes a lot of assumptions.…

  • My Personal Productivity System

    With everyone having a phone, there’s a whole bunch of online todo lists and tools that help you keep track of your life and improve your productivity. I’ve tried a whole bunch of them. I’ve actually cycled through the entire lot. I’ve used almost all the tools, I’ve done a bunch of paper methods and…

  • Filling the Gaps in My Knowledge

    I started working as a sysadmin just as cloud really took off. I wasn’t really exposed to a lot of the networking minutiae. That was over 9 years ago. I never had to deal with something complicated in the world of networking. I stuck in my Linux lane and never wandered over to the networking…

  • Writing Golang as a Python Dev

    I’ve gone through the Golang tutorial once before but in the last month or so, I fully dove into it. I started by writing a simple hello world web application. I found the implementation of the webserver so neat that most of the uses I’d have for a framework is redundant. The in-built libraries already…

  • Testing Ansible With Molecule

    My colleague was recently assigned a task to create tests for an ansible role that she works on. She pinged me for help and we got started in figuring out what to do.

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