UDS-M Day 5
Phew, finally I get down to writing day 5 overview, a few days after UDS. Generally, I write the previous day’s blog post on the next day. After day 5 though, I had to get work (yeah, on a Saturday). On Friday, I decided to tackle my power trouble by going outside for the hours…
UDS-M Day 4
I’m probably taking the blogging thing too far with 3 back-to-back posts, but whatever. One big reason I missed out on going to this UDS was my passport had expired and I hadn’t renewed. I finally decided, it was time to re-apply and set out to the nearest Bangalore One to get a form. It…
UDS-M Day 3
Day 3 and I’m starting to feel the strain. I wonder how the folks there are feeling. More drained perhaps? Community Roundtable This was the first session that I attended and we were just having a generic discussion mostly. I was writing a blog post during the time, since it was mainly just voicing out…
UDS-M Day 2
I’m posting updates later and later every day. Right now, I’m in community round table and I’m writing a blog post, sigh, procrastination – how I love thee Community Roundtable I ran into some audio issues and power went out half an our into the session, had to step out to an internet cafe and…
UDS-M Day 1 Overview
No, I’m not in Belgium. I participated remotely and this is a summary of the sessions I participated before fatigue hit me. Being a couple of hours east of Belgium, the sessions start at 12:30 PM for me, which is very comfortable. Introduction Yesterday, we started off with Jono Bacon giving the Introduction plenary. We…
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