I signed up for MozCamp India just before the deadline and now I’ve emailed the organizers that I will not be attending.
Primarily, the event is focused on increasing the numbers of the Mozilla community to 1 million. While this seems exciting, actually going about the process of making it happen doesn’t excite me. The event, as far as I can see, is heavily targeted at Mozilla Reps. At my first Mozcamp, multiple people suggested that I should join Mozilla Reps. I have same the answer to that question now as I had back then – with the limited amount of time I have, I prefer to code or watch trees. These are activities that I enjoy doing.

The last few months have involved quite a bit of travel. For instance, I’m writing this in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, where I’m talking to folks at the National Bureau of Statistics and e-Government Agency about CKAN. I think I would want a few weekends to myself so that I don’t burn out.
Ultimately, I’m a bit disappointed that I won’t be attending the Mozilla event in my city and I do hope it’s a successful event. All the best to Mozilla India and events team!
MozCamp Asia 2012 by Benny Chandra on Flickr. CC-BY-NC-ND.
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