Writing and Clarity
I’ve been writing at least 750 words every day for the last 10 days. It’s been a very interesting experience. What I write varies, sometimes I write…
Test Automation on CentOS CI with Ansible
I work on Gluster, which is a distributed file system. Testing a distributed file system needs a distributed setup. We run regressions by faking…
Migrating Gerrit from H2 to PostgreSQL
The last 3 months have been busy and challenging. I’ve moved cities and changed jobs. I now work for Red Hat on the Gluster project as…
Scraping the Indian Judicial System
This blog post has been sitting in my drafts folder for a long time. It’s time I finished it. A while ago, I did some work for Vidhi, which involved…
I’ve been reading Michael Pollan’s Cooked and watching the Netflix show. This is my favorite line from the book. There’s a very…
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